Saturday, February 13, 2010

Sheet Cake Ideas How Can I Put Filling In A Sheet Cake?

How can I put filling in a sheet cake? - sheet cake ideas

Is there an easier way to distort pie filling into a sheet without them, and take a chance on arguments simply do not have the others, etc. .. I'm making a cake with a sheet for a complete surprise party next week, and I thought just to make a simple sheet cake (and decorating, of course), but everyone loves me for my stuffed pastries. Just not sure how to do it for a full sheet cake. Ideas?


justbein... said...

You need to cut or a 2nd Add layer of filling. If you could make a few holes, and drizzling rain, soaked, then the glaze.

lookn4ro... said...

the only way I know is that they distort. I had cake for many years. only if you fill it a border of frosting around the edges of half of the cake. This filling will keep, if you go to the ice. You can use a pastry bag and tip and insert it into the bottom of the cake and slowly fill the pie to use. the only thing you do with the size of the road to 6-fold or more. and the cast is not all about the cake. It can also help cut the cake in the middle, before it is distorted. when the two halves together and share only the ice between the two complete sets of cake. that make it easier to fill. Simply double-click your cake plate to reinforce the sharing of that cake.

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